Daycare payments are either direct debit or account cards. Please note that no refunds are given for account cards unless your dog is unsuitable to continue at daycare. We recommend not paying more than 2 weeks in advance.

To cancel a daycare spot, please provide at least 2 weeks’ notice. (Note that child daycare requires a 4-week notice period!) Please be aware that annual leave does not count towards the notice period. During the notice period, fees for the reserved daycare spots will still apply even if the daycare is not attended. Exceptional circumstances will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by management.

A minimum of 24 actual hours for a non charged annual leave day unless an unforeseen emergency has occurred.

If the government enforces a closure, all pre payments will be held in credit or can be used for grooming, products and any services. There will be no expiry date on pre payments.

Billy’s agrees to exercise due and reasonable care in the handling of dogs, and in keeping the facility properly enclosed and sanitary.

The client agrees to attend a scheduled interview at Billy’s with their pet for evaluation to ensure that their pet is suitable for day-care. Client understands that the results provided will dictate attendance to the facility.

Client understands that for the safety of both dogs and staff that they must express any knowledge of known behavioural/aggression problem that their pet has with other animals, toys, food or humans. The client is solely responsible for any harm or injury caused by their pet to other dogs or humans whilst in the care of Billy’s Day-Care for Dogs.

The client understands that all pets admitted must be in good general health, and in consultation with their Veterinarian must take precautions against contagious illness and parasite exposure. Veterinarian information and proof of all required vaccinations must be provided to Billy’s during the initial interview and immediately upon any changes. Pets must be on a flea and tick prevention program during attendance. Clients must accept that if a dog arrives at day-care with fleas and/or ticks it will be bathed at Billy’s discretion at the expense of the client.

Billy’s reserves the right to refuse admission or terminate service to any dog for any reason.

The client acknowledges that Billy’s is a cage-less environment and that dogs play and interact directly with one another off leash. The client further acknowledges that due to this environment, injuries to pets may occur. The client agrees that Billy’s will not be held liable for any injury or illness of their pet or their property while in the care of the facility

And expressly waives any and all claims against Billy’s or its employees for any loss or damage due to theft, disease, fire, escape, injury or illness or other unavoidable causes, for which due care and diligence have been exercised

For small injuries that do not require the services of a vet, Billy’s staff will provide basic first aid and tend to the dog throughout the day. Clients may or may not be contacted in this instance depending on the severity of the injury but will be informed at time of pick up. In the case of serious injuries or illness the facility reserves the right to transport the pet to a vet. The client will be responsible for all vet charges, treatment and transport. We will attempt to contact the pet’s own veterinarian, but reserve the right to transport the vet to another if necessary. In the event of such an emergency Billy’s staff will first attempt to contact the client, followed by an attempt to contact the emergency person/s listed.

Clients recognise that Billy’s offers cage-less day-care services with the exception of “time outs” and rest periods. Clients understand that dogs may be placed in a time out area for no more than 15 minutes. The staff may use time outs and body blocks to maintain a controlled environment free of nuisance behaviours like barking, humping/mounting, and rough housing.

Billy’s does not board dogs over night; all pets must be picked up prior to closing. Late pick-ups are subject to a fee. Owner agrees to pay the rate for services provided prior to or on the date their pet is at Billy’s. Prices are subject to change at any time with or without notice.